Also after this week, many questions still remain open. But a concept paper, also based on some earlier ideas, has been produced as a result of this week. KIHO hopes to move forward in the month of April to further visit existing eco-cultural tourism sites in Moshi, Lushoto as well as Tona Lodge. Many interesting things for tourists have been identified, among them a visit to the Shengena Forest, learn more about beekeeping, fish ponds and coffee planting, as well as interaction with local community initiatives and schools, and not least to learn how to cook typical food from the area and help at the farm.
Several questions remain: How can the tourists stay comfortably in the village without changing the current set-up? How can we keep green but still make sure that the tourists will arrive to their destination in the different villages that would be ready to host them? How can we make sure that the tourists won’t misbehave? You can see that we are certainly still at the very beginning. Any kind of input from your side is of course highly valued. Thank you!