Adding value to organic fruits with jam and juice production
Let's cook passion fruit jam!
Amount: $200 (TSH 330,000) for jam or $280 (TSH 450,000) for juice
- Why?
A way to overcome this problem is an income-generating opportunity when there is value added to fruits by promoting jam and juice production that will prolong the life of these products for months.
Many local fruits (like passion fruit, mango, and orange) are an obvious choice because they are easily available. Rural woman groups can earn important income that will help them to provide food for their family on a daily basis and send the children to school.
- What will you sponsor?
- This will allow this group to have an income-generating opportunity
- With your financial support a woman community initiative group will be provided with one juice blender machines and 200 jars. Also, KIHO makes sure to give proper training about hygienic standards and how to market the products. This will allow this group to have an income-generating opportunity
- What can you expect?
- You will receive a scanned “thank you” letter of this community including an English translation provided by KIHO
- You will receive updates every three months about how the project is going, including pictures