Sponsor a solar food dryer for sustainable farming

Solar dried products
Amount: $430 or TSH 700,000
- Why?
Now, we want to preserve food by slowing down or stopping the natural processes of decay and adding value to fruits by drying them with a solar drier. Many local fruits (like passion fruit, mango, orange, banana and pineapples), vegetables (like tomatoes, onion, carrots, pumpkin, potato, ginger and mushroom) and greens (spinach and salad) can be dried and be sold when these products cannot be found on the market, thus making a good price and providing such food throughout the year.
- What will you sponsor?
- This will allow them to have an income-generating opportunity as they can process, pack and sell fruits, vegetable and greens
- What can you expect?
- You will receive the scanned “thank you” letter of this community including an English translation provided by KIHO
- You will receive updates every three months about how the project is going, including picture