Income-generation opportunities for local community initiatives

Tree nursery group of Mhero village
The main problem of Kilimanjaro region is poverty. All other problems, like inadequate education, missing infrastructure, health problems, environmental hazards and food insecurity, are very much related to the lack of income and the daily struggle of survival. In fact, it is poverty that is the cause of all other problems.
Therefore, KIHO provides ideas and trainings to local community initiatives that want to be engaged in income-generating opportunities. Through such activities, the people can help themselves to get out of poverty. We hope that with our initial support these initiatives are able to rely on themselves and do not need a support from external donors anymore. Rather, they will be able to help themselves. KIHO particularly targets women groups so that they can become more independent and are empowered through money-making activities.
One challenge that the local communities are facing is that they totally rely on agriculture, particularly in the Pare mountains. They sell the raw products at the market without adding any value. Moreover, the harvesting of crops usually takes place during the same period as people plant according to the rainy season. This lowers the price for the small-holder farmers as they lack storage facilities and therefore either have to sell their products for a very cheap price or it is even rotting and decaying.
KIHO is currently active in bee-keeping and tree nurseries, and is soon providing material and technical support for jam-making, juice-producing as well as solar-drying. Also, the sale of locally-produced handicraft is looked into, because such activities also link creativity with cultural traditions. KIHO conducts trainings, supervision and tries to provide financial support from donors.
Therefore, KIHO provides ideas and trainings to local community initiatives that want to be engaged in income-generating opportunities. Through such activities, the people can help themselves to get out of poverty. We hope that with our initial support these initiatives are able to rely on themselves and do not need a support from external donors anymore. Rather, they will be able to help themselves. KIHO particularly targets women groups so that they can become more independent and are empowered through money-making activities.
One challenge that the local communities are facing is that they totally rely on agriculture, particularly in the Pare mountains. They sell the raw products at the market without adding any value. Moreover, the harvesting of crops usually takes place during the same period as people plant according to the rainy season. This lowers the price for the small-holder farmers as they lack storage facilities and therefore either have to sell their products for a very cheap price or it is even rotting and decaying.
KIHO is currently active in bee-keeping and tree nurseries, and is soon providing material and technical support for jam-making, juice-producing as well as solar-drying. Also, the sale of locally-produced handicraft is looked into, because such activities also link creativity with cultural traditions. KIHO conducts trainings, supervision and tries to provide financial support from donors.
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Meeting with bee-keeping groups in Ruvu
Income-generating opportunities for these groups will help to increase the household income, reduce malnutrition of children and improve living conditions in rural and isolated Tanzanian communities, who are unable to gain employment. In addition, these activities empower women because they become wage-earners and increasingly participate in project decisions and implementation activities.
KIHO only supports communities and not individuals because our mission is clear: we want to work with the community and help that the people in the village join hands to help each other. As we try to support in particular the marginalized, a special focus is put on women, children and youth groups.
The success of these activities depends on a proper understanding of the activities. Therefore, KIHO is providing training on different stages so that full sustainability is going to be guaranteed, as outlined in our approach to sustainability.
KIHO only supports communities and not individuals because our mission is clear: we want to work with the community and help that the people in the village join hands to help each other. As we try to support in particular the marginalized, a special focus is put on women, children and youth groups.
The success of these activities depends on a proper understanding of the activities. Therefore, KIHO is providing training on different stages so that full sustainability is going to be guaranteed, as outlined in our approach to sustainability.