Construction works in all the six villages of Same District in Kilimanjaro Region involved began in August/September 2013, are now halfway and are expected to be concluded within March 2014.
The six “Food for Asset Creation” projects are: four gravity water projects in Chajo, Gonjanza, Malindi and Mwembe and two market access road constructions in Tae-Mongoloma and Minyala-Matongo.
Globally, 970 households are involved, respectively: 169 in Chajo, 165 in Gonjanza, 165 in Malindi, 169 in Mwembe, 177 in Tae-Mongoloma and 125 in Minyala-Matongo, corresponding to an estimated total of 18,169 people.
- gravity water supply project to provide access to adequate, clean and safe water within 500 meters for domestic and economic productive use, such as dry season kitchen gardening;
- a 10 km market access road construction to reduce transport costs, to reduce decayed food crops and vegetables and to ease access to and from the market and also to the agricultural field.
The food is kindly donated by the United Nations World Food Program, our cooperating and constantly supportive projects partner.
All these activities reflect the ultimate scope of KIHO, aiming to the promotion of a long term sustainable development in its community through food security, water, income-generation and environment-friendly activities, thus reducing community vulnerability to both internal and external factors and assuring an improved quality of life.